They say that the gears in my brain have always been turning and working to discover how things function and, most importantly, how to repair them when they do not. My earliest recollection of this was at age four when I removed my bicycle training wheels and, subsequently, experienced the freedom of riding without them. This experience served as the ignition source to an intense interest in all things mechanical. As the years progressed, my God given talent became ever more apparent as time and again I became the go-to-guy who would assemble, install and repair birthday gifts and Christmas presents for family, friends and neighbors. Later on in life, a close friend introduced me to the world of art and the proper methods of installation, placement and transportation of all forms of art. It was by his direction and encouragement that I use my mechanical skills and problem resolution abilities to help others as a freelance art installer. Now, years later, with my skills honed, knowledge and experience broadened, I am still helping others resolve their problems, accomplish their goals and bring their ideas to fruition through the creation of Maloney Installation Solutions.

-David Maloney